Johnny Bliss interviewing the artist Michael Pinsky with Climart at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Camera & Editing by Lenny Aronsten. View the accompanying article here.
Selected Mini-Documentary
FM4 Soundselection 23 // im Bann der Illuminaten 2010 from radio FM4 on Youtube.
FM4's Johnny Bliss uncovers a sinister conspiracy... Can it really be pure coincidence that the new edition of the popular FM4 Soundselection series bears the number 23?
Selected Commercial
Selected Music Video
Big Room, Small Room // Friday Songs 2010 from Trike on Youtube. (NSFW!)
A houseguest monopolizes the big room, much to the chagrin of his hosts. A music video by Trike filmed on location in Berlin, starring Johnny Bliss as himself (sort of).